
Showing posts from September, 2020

Situation: Differential situation

Hi, welcome to the twenty seventh day of The Leads intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to understand how complex situation affects you and how to eliminate complexity, read the twenty sixth day challenge  here. Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as differential situation. Why do you compare and contrast two things? Why do you have scale of preference? Of what importance is difference to our choice and decision?  Well, understanding differential situation will enable to know the importance of difference and how it  affects every activity you do and the result you get. What is differential situation? Differential situation is a situation that involves inequality or differential treatment and conditions. This can be expressed in terms of preference for one condition over others. This is a situation that lay emphasis on the importance of different features or characteristics exhibited by differe...

Situation: Complex

Hi, welcome to the twenty sixth day of The Leads intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to learn more about evaluatory situation, read the twenty fifth day challenge  here. Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as complex situation. What happens when you try to solve a problem only to make it worse? Why do you conduct root cause analysis? Why do you take careful and cautious considerations before making a decision? Well, understanding complex situation will make you to know the importance of being careful and cautious before making a decision. What is complex situation? Complex situation is a situation that occurs to complicate or worsen a condition. This is a situation that makes it difficult to handle a condition by making it to get worse or greater than the capacity or ability of the person affected. This kind of situation usually exists as a problem or challenge which requires large amount of resources ...

Situation: Evaluatory situation

Hi, welcome to the twenty fifth day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you like to know more about competitive situation, read the twenty fourth day challenge  here . Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as evaluatory situation. Why does company perform background screening? Why do9 company audit their financial statements? Why is research conducted? Well, understanding evaluatory situation will enable you to answer questions like the ones above. What is evaluatory situation? Evaluatory situation is a situation in which a condition is being evaluated or subjected to critical and objective review so as to determine its reliability or compliance. This is a situation with questions of truthfulness, quality, compliance, or reliability. It occurs due to the need to determine objectively whether a condition is true and fair, meet or comply with certain criteria, or not. This is a situation that may involve aud...

Situation: Competitive situation

Hi, welcome to the twenty fourth day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know about unfavourable situation, read the twenty third day challenge  here . Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as competitive situation and its application. Why do you always try to please your spouse? Why do you acquire many certificates? Why do companies strive hard to satisfy their employees? Why do companies continuously improve their processes? Why do companies engage in research and development and obtain patent for their products? Well, understanding competitive situation will enable you to answer questions like the ones above. What is competitive situation? Competitive situation is a situation in which two or more people are to compete for a resource that is relatively scarce such that when one person gets the resource, others are deprived. This situation is a product of scarcity, hence leads to competi...

Situation: Unfavourable situation

Hi, welcome to the twenty third day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know more about informative situation, read the twenty second day challenge  here . Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as unfavourable situation. Why do management put control measures in place? Why are safety gadgets used? Why do you use password for your data? Why do you perform risk assessment? Well, understanding unfavourable situation will enable you to answer questions like the ones above. What is unfavourable situation? Unfavourable situation is a situation which has negative impact on a person when it occurs. It is regarded as an undesirable situation in which a person finds himself or herself in an adverse condition. It could involve danger, loss, disaster, destruction, misfortune, death, disgrace, manipulation, etc. It usually serves as a threat. This kind of situation maybe a threat to safety, survival, ...

Situation: Informative situation

Hi, welcome to the twenty second day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know about contractual situation, read the twenty first day challenge  here . Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as informative situation and its application. Why do you attend seminar? Why do you stop when the traffic light is red? Why do you make enquiry about a product?  Well, understanding informative situation will enable you to answer questions like the ones above. What is informative situation? Informative situation is a situation in which you gain more understanding about a condition. It gives you the opportunity to gain or share your ideas, knowledge, skills or experience. It usually involves communication with the aim of promoting understanding, encouraging action, improving performance, and enhancing engagement. It can occur in form of presentation, speech, discussion, instruction, manual, training...

Situation: Contractual situation

Hi, welcome to the twenty first day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know more about signal situation, read the twentieth day challenge  here . Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as contractual situation. Why do businesses use terms and conditions for their offering? Why do businesses use invoice? Why do you sign terms and conditions form?  Well, understanding contractual situation will enable you to understand how you can relate better with other people. What is contractual situation?  Contractual situation is a situation that involves an agreement between two or more parties on a common ground, which leads to an exchange of values that satisfy the needs of each party. This situation occurs to protect the rights and satisfy the need of two or more parties involve in a contract, transaction or business. Therefore, it ensures that the interest of each party is considered by...

Situation: Signal situation

Hi, welcome to the twentieth day of The Leads intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know more about unusual situation, read the nineteenth day challenge  here. Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as signal situation. Why do you use alarm or set reminder? Why do doctors look out for symptoms? Why do you use google alert? Why do businesses have KPI (key performance indicator) for their projects?  Well, understanding signal situation will enable you to be informed about what is going on or that is likely to happen. Signal situation is a situation that occurs to indicate or inform you of the existence or eventuality of a condition. This situation occurs to make you to be aware of what is going on or what might happen. It serves to be an indicator or informant, therefore you are able to take necessary action in response to what you have been made to know. This situation may occur as a warning, symptom...

Situation: Unusual situation

Hi, welcome to the nineteenth day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-dy challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know more about usual situation, read the eighteenth day challenge here . Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as unusual situation. How do you feel when you travel to a new place? How do you feel when there is a change? Why do get concerned when someone does not behave like before? Why do get disappointed? Why do you get surprised? Well, understanding this situation will enable you to handle changes better. What is an unusual situation? An unusual situation is a situation that is new or strange because it does not follow a familiar or usual pattern of occurrence. This is a situation that is different from what you are used to or familiar with, hence it influences you to find a new pattern of interacting with it. This may involve stress due to the need to understand or master how you can fit into the situation and cope with...

Situation: Usual situation

Hi, welcome to the eighteenth day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know how you can apply regulatory situation to achieve some goals, read the seventeenth day challenge here . Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as usual situation. Why is possible for you to tell how likely something can happen? Why do you tend to make inference based on your past experience? Why do you avoid something from happening again? Why do you wish something happen again? Why is seasonality important to business? Well, understanding usual situation will enable you to get a clear picture of how past or historical events affect present and future events. What is usual situation? Usual situation is a situation that occurs in a familiar or similar manner. It follows a familiar, similar or expected pattern of occurrence, hence it is not strange. It can be predicted based on how it does happen, and its effect can be an...

Situation: Regulatory Situation

Hi, welcome to the seventeenth day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know more about conditional situation, read the sixteenth day challenge here . Today, he will be discussing another type of situation known as regulatory situation. . Have you been why there are terms and conditions for most things you subscribe for? How will you feel if your data are manipulated? What will happen to an organisation that breach privacy policy? Why are policies made? Well, Understanding this situation will enable you to achieve the desirable result you want from your activities. What is regulatory situation? Regulatory situation is a situation which occurs to control the affairs or effects, or limit the scope of a condition such as an activity, a process, an occurrence, a conduct or whatever the object of control is. This situation is usually put into existence in order achieve a particular purpose by putting rules, policy, regul...

Situation: Conditional situation

Hi, welcome to the sixteenth day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know the types of situation to be discussed in the challenge, read the fifteenth day challenge  here. Today, he will be discussing a type of situation known as conditional situation. Have you ever found yourself in a situation whereby you have to do something in order to avoid another thing? Have you ever had to follow some rules before you achieve a goal? Why is that an increase in demand for some goods leads to a decrease in demand for another good? Are you thinking of the strategy to be adopted for achieving a particular effect? Well, understanding conditional situation will enable you to interact better with situation like the ones above. What is conditional situation? A conditional situation is a situation that occurs when there is a causative relationship between two or more conditions such that the occurrence of one condition affects th...

Situation: An overview of types of situation

Hi, welcome to the fifteenth day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know the guiding principles of situation, read the fourteenth day challenge  here. Today, he will be discussing an overview of types of situation. This will enable you to how you can respond better to the situation by understanding the condition that brings about the situation and how it can affect you. Situation can occur in different forms depending on how it affects a person and the need for such situation. Some situations occur as an opportunity while some occur as a problem. Some are just usual which does not require any change in the way a person interact with the situations. For these, the event follows the same pattern. Thus, it is important to understand different types of situation that you can find yourself in order to get prepared for them.  The types of situation that will be discussed in the following days of the challenge a...

Situation: The guiding principles of situation

Hi, welcome to the fourteenth day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know the relationship between situational factors and event, then read the thirteenth day challenge  here. Today, he will be discussing the guiding principle of a situation. Why are some measures meant to stop some conditions from occuring? Why do you insure some things? Why are standards followed? Why is the government trying to contain the spread of covid-19? Why are some situations desired while some are detested? Well, understanding the guiding principle of the situation will enable you to find answers to questions like those ones above. What are these guiding principles? The guiding principle of a situation is about how you are interacting with the situation based on the effect it is likely to have on you, your organisation, or in the society. This principle states that if a situation is perceived to have a beneficial or desirable effect...

Situation: Situational factors and Event

Hi, welcome to the thirteenth day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know what a situation means and its factors, read the twelfth day challenge  here . Today, he will be discussing situational factors and event. Why is that some things are considered to be appropriate at some places, but inappropriate at other places? How do signs and symbols affect what we do? Why are different places and people treated differently? Why does business conduct feasibility study  Well, understanding these situational factors and the event around them can provide answers. As explained in the previous challenge, situational factors are those things that make a situation to occur. They are those things that are responsible for the condition in which people find themselves, which affect them in some ways. What shows what happens between people and the situation is regarded as " an event". This is what explains how people reac...