Situation: An overview of types of situation
Hi, welcome to the fifteenth day of The Leads Intellectual challenge: a 30-day challenge with Fatai Kareem. If you would like to know the guiding principles of situation, read the fourteenth day challenge here.
Today, he will be discussing an overview of types of situation. This will enable you to how you can respond better to the situation by understanding the condition that brings about the situation and how it can affect you.
Situation can occur in different forms depending on how it affects a person and the need for such situation. Some situations occur as an opportunity while some occur as a problem. Some are just usual which does not require any change in the way a person interact with the situations. For these, the event follows the same pattern. Thus, it is important to understand different types of situation that you can find yourself in order to get prepared for them.
The types of situation that will be discussed in the following days of the challenge are:
1. Conditional situation: this is a situation that occurs when there is a causative relationship between two or more conditions such that the occurrence of one condition affects the other condition(s). It goes as if B is to occur, then A must occur, or else C.
2. Regulatory situation: this is a situation which occurs to control the affairs or effects, or limit the scope of a condition such as an activity, a process, an occurrence, a conduct or whatever the object of control is. It occurs to achieve a particular purpose through the use of rules, policy, regulations and laws.
3. Usual situation: this is a situation that occurs in a familiar or similar manner. It follows a familiar, similar or expected pattern of occurrence, hence it is not strange.
4. Unusual situation: this is a situation that is new or strange because it does not follow a familiar or usual pattern of occurrence. This is a situation that is different from what you are used to or familiar with, hence it influences you to find a new pattern of interacting with it.
5. Signal situation: this is a situation that occurs to indicate or inform you of the existence or eventuality of a condition. This situation occurs to make you to be aware of what is going on or what might happen. This could be an alarm, reminder, symptoms, etc.
6. Contractual situation: this is a situation that involves an agreement between two or more parties on a common ground, which leads to the exchange of values that satisfy the needs of each party. This situation occurs to satisfy the needs and protect the rights of two or more parties involved in a contract or relationship.
7. Informative situation: this is a situation in which you gain more understanding about a condition. This situation gives you the opportunity to gain or share your ideas, knowledge, skills or experience. It usually involves communicating with the aim of promoting understanding, encouraging action, improving performance, and enhancing engagement.
8. Unfavourable situation: this is a situation which has negative impact on you when it occurs. It is regarded as an undesirable situation in which you find yourself in an adverse condition. This situation could involve danger, disaster, destruction, loss, etc.
9. Competitive situation: this is a situation in which two or more people are to compete for a resource that is relatively scarce such that when one person gets the resource, others are deprived. This situation is a product of scarcity, hence leads to competition.
10. Evaluatory situation: this is a situation in which a condition is being evaluated or subjected to critical and objective review so as to determine its reliability or compliance. It occurs due to the need to determine objectively whether a condition is true and fair, meet or comply with certain criteria, or not
11. Complex situation: this is a situation that tends to be problematic and difficult to handle. This situation occurs to complicate or worsen a condition.
12. Differential situation: this is a situation that involves inequality or differential treatment and conditions. This could be in range, group, categories, etc.
13. Fundamental situation: this is a situation that occurs when a condition becomes the basis or foundation of another condition. This situation tends to serve as the basis of consideration in making decisions.
14. Ceremonial situation: this is a situation that occurs when a condition leads to performing a rite, ceremony, celebration or festival. This situation could occur as a feast, celebration, ceremony, festival, anniversary, etc.
These are not all the types of situation. They are the ones to be discussed in the subsequent days of the challenge.
Case study
1. ABXYZ plc is facing a problem and applies X as the solution to the problem. Instead, the problem is getting worse. What type of situation does ABXYZ plc finds itself?
2. CCC company produces a product that is a substitute of the product produced by AAA company. What kind of situation is CCC company likely to face?
3. Franklin has an interview in the morning, so he sets an alarm to wake up early. What kind of situation is the alarm going to bring up?
Disclaimer: All names used are for illustration purpose.
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